Using your iPad & Embelly Simple SVGs

Updated: Jun 10, 2020

For several years, no you could not upload SVGs to your iPad but with the IOS 11 or later ( that is the iPad software) now you can. It is a bit different than using your computer but let's do it!

Yes, I have a free Embelly Simple SVG so you can try this out. Now it gets a bit techy but stay with me.

Grab your iPad and make sure you are using at least IOS 11.

Using Safari on your iPad makes this easier.

Not my usual browser but trust me easier to use Safari for this and go to this free Simple SVG here

"Buy" this and you will see the download link for the Simple SVG and the PDF step by step too. (You will also get an email with your links too)

Here are the PDF and the video too!


Be sure to check your settings in Safari (yes in the same spot as the settings for the software) and you will see where you are saving your downloads.